Sunday, May 19, 2024

Kesenai Watashi episodes 1~7

Kesenai watashi is a rape revenge jdorama. Haibara Shoko was raped by a fellow student when she was in high school because her friends were jealous of her becoming the model of a youtube makeup person played by Hongo Kanata.

The friends did a fake apology and the video was spread on the internet with plenty of false accusations and Haibara Shoko was shamed into not going to school. Her parents died in a house fire soon after and she spent 10 years as a hikikomori until she spotted the 3 friends in a new year broadcast celebrating while Haibara Shoko was attempting suicide. It was time for payback.

Like most revenge shows, watch Haibara Shoko infiltrate lives of her former classmates and bring their downfall. Of course the 3 conspirators are horrible and absolutely deserve what she is going to do to them.

I like revenge shows because they are either fun and trashy (Fukushuu no Miboujin) or raw and depressing (Samayoi Yaiba). Kesenai watashi is sort of in the middle. You have Hongo Kanata telling her not to do it, if you look into the abyss, it will stare back at you blah blah blah. Look mate, they screwed up her life, let her live for revenge and this show should be fun and trashy and less philosphy.

Kesenai watashi is very fast paced because of the 20 minute runtime yet it doesn't feel as fun and sometimes it is lacking in detail. I can't really complain except I do not feel compelled to watch until the end until the above two mentioned revenge shows. Maybe the revenge plans are not as creative but I just didn't find Kesenai Watashi that fun.

With Black Familia and Kesenai Watashi being meh shows, maybe doing a good revenge jdorama isn't as easy as I thought. Thanks to mikilove13 for subbing but if you want a revenge show, watch the above mentioned two revenge jdoramas or Burn the House Down on Netflix if you have not seen it. Meh for me.


Anonymous said...

To me- there was something amiss with the structure / pacing of the show.

It was strange, all the while I couldn't connect with what the drama was putting out, but I kept noticing at how some of the cast were nailing moments - Shida Sara in the early episodes was working so hard to nail key moments...but it was like they were acting in a vacuum. It was like a show of fragmented moments, where the in-between passages didn't connect and only muddied the potential of what could have been a gripping show.

I can totally see where you meh comment is coming from.

P.S. Shida Sara is another actress who I find way more interesting on screen when their role allows for a slightly acid undertone. Fukuhara Haruka also sits in that camp.

Akiramike said...

@Anon: You hit the nail on the head with your description of how they were acting in a vacuum. The story just hit certain beats but nothing was marinated well enough. Fukuhara Haruka was very good in Imadoki no Wakai mon wa.