Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Black Familia Shindou Ke no Fukushuu review

I like revenge shows because at worst you have fun watching bad guys get what they deserve and once in a blue moon you get something amazing like Samayou Yaiba. Black Familia is a revenge show with a twist: the daughter of the Shindou family Riria falls to her death from her school rooftop and all fingers point to the super rich and powerful Saotome family.

Yes, Black Familia is a family working together to get revenge against a bad family story. It also reminds me of Nagano Mei's Burn the House Down on Netflix which also has the main character work as a maid for revenge as the audience slowly gets to know the bad family. Except of course in Black Familia, you have a hairdresser father, pretending to be a Korean uncle and journalist older sister getting close to the family in their own way.

I really wanted to like Black Familia but the first alarm bell was in episode two when they kidnapped a bad teacher and for some reason all of them decided to interrogate the teacher together. I was watching the scene thinking why not have one person do the talking instead of 4 because the teacher might work out that they are all a family and blow their cover.

After that I skimmed half and watched half of the series to see what happens and I like the ending. I like that Black Familia is about what happens when you stare in the abyss too long. How much would you sacrifice for revenge? Is risking your family worth the price of vengeance for losing your daughter?

The concepts that Black Familia explore are interesting but the execution just wasn't good enough to stop me from fast forwarding here and there. I feel like if Sono Sion had directed it, it would have been much darker and twisted and the ending is just right for him but I am sure he has been cancelled.

Maybe its because I had already seen a much better revenge dorama in Burn the House Down but unfortunately I have to give Black Familia a meh. Really wanted to like it because it is full of supporting actors.

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