Sunday, January 07, 2024

Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu episodes 1~4


Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu means going to eat crabs with the Snow Woman. At the beginning of the show, main character Kita is at his lowest point. He was falsely accused of molesting and has lost everything, has no money and suicide is the only way out.

However Kita sees a program on tv about crabs and realised that he has never eaten crab before and decides that he will die after eating crab in Hokkaido. However as he has no money he attempts to rob this housewife who lives in an expensive home. The housewife submits easily and somehow Kita and the housewife end up going on a trip together to Hokkaido to eat crab.

Yukionna to Kano wo Kuu feels like a travel food show wrapped up in mystery and misery. Think Izakaya Shinkansen and instead of feel good, there is more depression and sex. 

I enjoy the two main character going up Touhoku on their way to Hokkaido cause I like that area and seeing all the food and scenery is great but the story is so freaking slow and I could not care about either of the characters.

The mystery of the show is what is the true identity of the housewife and why does she want to commit suicide but I was pretty bored with the main story for the first 5 episodes. The 30 minute runtime definitely does not help. 5 less minutes every episode would have improved the pacing.

I want to see the ending and see all the Hokkaido food but there is too much fluff to slog through. Maybe episode 6 is when it will get exciting? I can't be stuffed finding out because there is too much to watch and I originally wanted to stop at episode 3. Meh. Only watch if you like the two main actors.

1 comment:

  1. If there's one good thing about all of this MT nonsense, it's that I've found your blog. Sukebe indeed! I've enjoyed reading many of your reviews. For whatever reason, this drama never rose to my attention. I decided to give it a try. I'm very much enjoying it. While I've seen Iriyama Noriko in a number of dramas and films (based on my MDL record), she's never made much of an impression on me until this drama. She's an absolute goddess here. Thanks for your review.
