Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Accused of posting machine translated subs for Tokyo Hinkon Joshi


After I posted the first episode of Tokyo Hinkon Joshi at d-addicts, I was contacted by someone from drama-otaku, given fansubber status and was told that I could upload my subs there so I uploaded episode.

I wrote on my on the subtitle page at d-addicts:

Translated from Jp subs from which I retimed. Apologies for any mistakes as I translate based on facial expressions.

Someone did not see the joke in that and I actually stole that joke from an anime I saw a lifetime ago.

When I finished episode 2 of Tokyo Hinkon Joshi I uploaded it to d-addicts and when I tried to upload it to drama-otaku, I noticed that my subs had disappeared. I messaged the person from drama-otaku and the reply I got was:

Sorry for late reply. I saw your comments on the thread on DA and it made me a little concerned that the subs might not have been genuine. I haven't had the chance to verify them yet, but once we have checked them to make sure of their quality I'll restore them. Sorry for the inconvenience, your comment about subbing on facial expressions worried me as we don't really allow people to upload subs without a genuine grasp of Japanese (for example, machine translations are not allowed on the site)

I replied to show that I have done subbing and translating before:

No worries.

I have subbed an episode of Mosaic Japan before (I think ep 2) and I once translated an interview series with Sakamoto Yuji. ... +interview

The next day I got the message:

Hi, my friend (head admin) looked at the subs as we tend to monitor to check if they've been machine translated if we don't know the subber etc. It seems there's a lot of signs that yours may have been ran through a machine translation so unfortunately it didn't pass the test. There was also a lot of words / symbols left over from the jp text. I understand subbing is a long process so I'm not trying to diminish any of the hard work you did, but we don't really accept subs that have potentially been machine translated unfortunately.

Suffice to say I am effing pissed off being accused of machine translating I did not clean up the -> arrows and symbols from the Jp subs. I spent so much time working on the first two episodes and I actually cleaned up the symbols on episode 2. On top of that SARS fansub have uploaded their subs for episode 1 of Tokyo Hinkon Joshi at drama-otaku. Now this feels like an attack to replace my 'machine translated subs'. There is no rule subbing rule that two different subbers can't work on the same subs but it rarely happens for jdoramas and has never happened for WOWOW shows.

How do I prove that my subs were not machine translated? Do a 4 hour video of me subbing episode 3 and upload it to youtube? Do I want to waste my time proving I actually did those hours of work when I could have been watching more stuff/gaming?

I know the people from drama-otaku mean well but I am very not happy being accused of machine translating. I don't care if streaming sites use my subs to make money but my integrity and my Japanese language skills being questioned is another thing altogether.

I am effing pissed being accused of a crime I did commit and will finish subbing Tokyo Hinkon Joshi before SARS. There goes my free time for the next 2 weeks and I was planning to ease up on the subbing for RGG8.


  1. Anonymous12:34 am

    Ouch. I feel your pain.

    Personally I found your comment on facial expressions super funny. Not only because as a non-Japanese speaker, that's exactly what I have to do if I watch raws. Anyone who has read your hamsapsukebe work would know it was you instantly.

    P.S. Just as an aside, also appreciate your sharing attitude to the subs you do (including continuing to upload to d-addicts).

  2. Anonymous12:55 am

    I'm sorry you've been mistreated like this, I've relied on your guidance and advice for so long that I'm really disappointed. Thank you for bringing attention to so many worthy WOWOW shows, for committing to sub this one and for allowing your work to be so freely accessed at D-addicts.

  3. Thanks for the explanation. I had no idea who was behind and what was going on with these accusations. Yes, I too noticed that you left a few fragments of Japanese text in the subtitle files and also that some symbols remain from the jp subs. The presence of the Japanese text is a clear sign to me that you aren't using machine translation, but rather translating directly from the jp subs! Hope that you decide to continue the translation.

  4. Anonymous9:14 am

    I think that the people that run Drama Otaku think they are something special. Just download the subs to D-addicts and if someone wants your subs, they know where to find them.

  5. Anonymous1:53 pm

    Wouldn't have thought they have such strict rules against MTL subs considering the sub quality provided by some of their fansubbers. They struggle a lot with subjects and objects because Japanese sentences often leave these out but this only shows these fansubbers don't even grasp the meaning and context of what they themselves 'translated'.

  6. And the nonsense continues on Twitter. First it was the baseless accusations about you using MT for your subs. Then, yesterday, the argument was changed; now it was about sloppy QC. Today, it's back to accusing you of MT. This is really offensive and, disappointingly, they refuse to admit that they were wrong. They are just doubling down on the original accusation. I found your YouTube video riveting.

  7. Turning the coat by the wind. Bending over backward.

  8. Anonymous3:37 am

    It's mind-boggling how they deleted your subs but the owner of Drama-Otaku uploaded their subs after that. Aren't they trying to show off that their subs are more superior than others? Oh, maybe they wanted to steal this drama from you and that's why they bullied you!!

    Just post in D-addicts!! Drama-Otaku doesn't give a fuck about new subbers. If they did, they would help you, not disrespect you like this.

  9. Anonymous4:07 am

    Oh no, I'm so sorry this happened to you!



    They preach positivity and support at Drama Otaku, but all of amrayu's public tweets show the management or whatever is so double-faced! They say they are welcoming of new subbers, but it doesn't seem that way. Why didn't they help guide you and point out what's wrong instead of just deleting your subs??! Why not give you the opportunity to correct if there's something wrong?!

    What was she thinking, starting subbing the same drama? Did she do it just to spite you? Shouldn't people sub the stuff they enjoy? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?? Why didn't amrayu offer to QC your subs if she was interested in the drama too? OH WAIT, THAT'S TOO MUCH FOR THE ALMIGHTY HER.

    WHY ACCEPT YOUR SUBS IF THEY WERE JUST GONNA REMOVE THEM THEN???? Don't they have people to check subs if they hate them so much? If you used machine translation, there wouldn't be left over Japanese. WHERE'S THE LOGIC??
    No one is perfect, especially when starting out. Why would they accuse you like it's some awful thing when other people use machine translation just fine??? WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT.

    Seems to me like all they do is just go back on their word. DO PEOPLE EVEN HAVE MANNERS THESE DAYS? I miss the old days of d-addicts when people actually helped each other and just enjoyed content together.

    I'm happy d-addicts still exists and we have a community because I don't think I could stomach drama otaku.


    Anyway I'm looking forward to your next subs! Please, please, I hope this won't discourage you from further subbing.

  10. Anonymous11:59 pm

    I just visited your blog again after a while and found out the recent fuss on twitter actually refers to your subs?? damn that's f-up. That's quite a very offensive move from them if I should say, so unnecessary tbh.

    What's funnier is that they're the one who reached you out first then dump you out of spite. I read that you left the Japanese captions "residuals" on your posted subs and it didn't look neat according to them, but being a frequent reader of your blog I can understand if you use your writing styles onto the translations you make. I don't watch the drama myself but if it's you who makes the subs I can at least vouch that you didn't use machine translation.

    Quite tired seeing these unnecessary jdrama comm "dramas" on twitter so I stopped engaging since a while ago.

    +1 with the comment above that I really hope it doesn't discourage you from subbing more

  11. Anonymous5:17 am

    Don't pop a blood vessel my guy

  12. Anonymous5:48 am

    You posted a private conversation and framed yourself as a victim? Thats fucked up.

    And oh Jeff, stop being an a$$licker.

  13. I hope this resolves sensibly. I have long enjoyed reading your reviews and recommendations, and am impressed at your recent JLPT N2.
    Given you're dealing with some idiots out there, it looks like a typo above that they might take advantage of. You wrote "I am effing pissed being accused of a crime I did commit". I think you might have meant to say "did NOT commmit". If that needs correction, I won't mind if you delete this commment afterwards.
