Sunday, January 21, 2024

5 things about Nanyoubi ni Umareta no? Episodes 4~9

1. As Hpriest did each episode, I was so scared to declare Nanyoubi ni Umareta a must watch because I did not want to jinx it and am happy to finally to say that Nojima Shinji has once again created a must watch show. 


2. If I were an actor, I would do anything to be in a Nojima Shinji jdorama because the dialogue just sings. Its Nojima Shinji and Sakamoto Yuji who can just create the best dialogue that can be so entertaining and convey so much to the audience. Nanyoubi ni Umareta no? does not reinvent the wheel but the dialogue and writing is so good every episode I am smiling and marveling at the dialogue and how the show so easily flows from comedy to serious talk. Definitely a show worth watching a second time.

3. Iitoyo Marie is perfect as Sui and a strong candidate for Hamsapsukebe 2023 awards. The question is, is this her role of a lifetime or is she that good of an actress?

4. Perfect supporting characters with the editor, Jinnai Takanori and Hayami Akari. I normally dislike Jinnai Takanori because he overacts in everything but his chemistry with Sui is good and he does his job well as the punch line guy. Hayami Akari steals her scenes with her energy as Kumon Ryuen's cat.

4. If there is one thing that bugs me about Nanyoubi ni Umareta no? its the whole gain fame and fortune without breaking a sweat by being a model. This is a shoujo-esque dorama and this is the equivalent of me complaining about the main character in a shonen anime beating everyone with ease but as much as I enjoyed the characters, it takes the show out of reality a bit for me.

5. Am I the only one who thought about Love Exposure minus Ando Sakura while watching Nanyoubi ni Umareta no? There are many similarities with both main characters having trauma, the guy saving the girl only to be saved by the girl to even a car being involved in the final scene?


  1. You've probably read some of my comments on D-A about this drama. I'd been totally obsessed with it and I agree with you about the writing and the acting. I hope that this isn't Iityo Marie's career defining performance. Like you, I think that she may really be that good.

    The modeling fame thing was indeed a bit too easy and kind of unnecessary. I don't think it would have made a huge difference to the plot if she wasn't on the billboards in Shibuya.

    I do hope that Hayami Akari is back to acting in a major way and that the people who cast dramas will give her major parts. Despite being only a couple of years older than Iitoyo-san, they are worlds apart and I worry that there's perhaps an audience preference for the 45-kg type of actress.

  2. Anonymous5:01 am

    Itoyo Marie is definitely a good actress.

    Akari is starring in Meguru Mirai. Things can go well for her!

  3. Thanks for the heads-up about Meguru Mirai! Even better, I see that a subber is planning to take it on (
