Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Tokyo Hinkon Joshi Episodes 1~3

In the beginning of episode one if Tokyo Hinkon Joshi, we see our main character Mako having meeting up with 2 friends in a high class restaurant. The camera shows that the 2 friends are well dressed as they look over the very expensive menu deciding on what to have for lunch. 

They ask Mako what she wants for desert as this restaurant is famous for their deserts but Mako says she doesn't need desert. The two friends are talking about various estheticians aka skin care places and the camera focuses on Mako's hands and we notice that she is not wearing any accessories not her nails painted. Mako is clearly uncomfortable and make and excuse to leave. 

As she leaves magazines fall from her bag and we learn that Mako is a writer and is doing research on Tokyo Ginkon Joshi or Tokyo Poverty Women. Women who are facing financial hardship and there are no safety nets to help them besides the sex trade.

Tokyo Hinkon Joshi is the story about a slightly naive writer who herself is on the edge of poverty teaming up with sex trade writer interviewing women living in poverty relying on the sex trade to survive. The thing about Japan is that it is difficult for women to become regular employees and there is a huge underclass of non-regular workers who a second job at night just to survive and there is this scene where Mako asks her boss why she has not increased the number of female regular employees.

Tokyo Hinkon Joshi deals with the questions of do these women fall into poverty because of their own life choices or is it because society has made it very difficult to get of poverty even when they try their best? Episode 1 deals with a university student and how she gets flamed when the article comes out.

If you feel like you have been watching too many feel good jdoramas lately and are in need of some WOWOW reality and depressing stories, Tokyo Hinkon Joshi is for you. The episode 3 story with Kirishima Reiko and her sister with mental health issues is sobering. No one is subbing yet  but luckily has the Jp subs. Very watchable if you are in the mood for some heavy stories.


  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    Another for the genre that dramas that show the Potemkin village. (Yes all cultures have them and we all know they are there)

    On the drama side, Shuri seems to be having a purple patch and finally moving over to lead roles. Also, looking back at Yuru Camp, I wouldn't have picked Tanabe Momoko as the one to gain traction. For me, she always felt too.background in that role, but in more normal roles she has a much stronger screen presence. Interesting potential and a her visuals are nicely complex that stops the mono-tone range.

    Congrats on another year of HamsapSukebe.

  2. @Anonymous: Thanks. I have not seen Yuru Camp but Tanabe Momoko has potential because she can show depth in her acting.
