Sunday, July 23, 2023

Last Man Episode 1

Speaking of jdorama characters who will us English words here and there because they lived in the USA, Last Man  has Fukuyama Masaharu as special agent Minami from the FBI who has the highest arrest rate and is in Japan on an exchange program. He is called Last Man because he is the FBI's trump card.

Minami is also blind but he has two super powers. The first is that he says super hearing, smell and deductive abilities that surpass even Sherlock Holmes and any police officer with sight and is even better than a metal detector in detecting if someone is armed. His second power is that he looks like the most airbrushed actor in Jdorama today. His face is not as frozen has Nagoshi Toshihiro's but it is getting there.

I am just cringing everytime Minami says a word of English because he does not even sound American. On a side note, I have met English speaking Japanese in Japan and they usually speak with an American accent. Surely TBS should have hired someone to be Fukuyama's dialect coach.

As the FBI last man, Minami also gets to stay in a suite with a butler. I know the money for that is crazy and at this point I have decided to turn off my brain and just watch Last Man as a superhero show. Minami is able able to disarm suspects despite being blind and the first episode ends with the revelation that Minami is requested to meet someone in prison.

I have no optimism for TBS doramas. They have big budgets and big names but shows like Get Ready and DCU are just a bunch of uncooked ideas trying to look cool and I fear the same will happen with Last Man. There is something about the logic in their shows that never makes sense to me the way most WOWOW shows do. Maybe I should give it another episode but TBS track record speaks for itself. Meh unless you like TBS shows like Get Ready and DCU.


  1. Can't wait for your review on Vivant, hopefully it will be great.

  2. @Faiz Ikari: Vivant has a great cast but my faith in TBS is at an all time low!
