Saturday, July 15, 2023

5 things I enjoyed about 0.5 no Otoko Episodes 4+5

1. The theme song Tanoshii Hitori by Kudo Yojiro is actually about the jdorama. It is basically Masaharu's comedic thoughts on why he should be a hikkikomori and not a random song. I really love the lyrics. Reminds me of when anime theme songs used to be about the story.

2. The end of episode 4 actually brought the story full circle with the nosy neighbour from the first episode. I was wondering where this nosy neighbour story was going and I am glad it went in a different direction from usual nosy person story you find in suburban jdoramas.

3. 0.5 no Otoko is a show about mental health and anxiety and how ganbaru in everything may not get someone through life. A different message from shows like Hatarakiman where people happily sacrifice everything for work. I need to rewatch Hatarakiman one day.

4. Fubuki Jun as the mom gets my vote for best acting job in the show. She's the glue that holds the family together and her happy scenes are the best.

5. The director really put effort with the visuals. I really hate the TBS light everything with the power of a 1000 suns look. I love the use of shadows, the unique shots they got with the house set like the one shot in the beginning of episode 2.


Great job from WOWOW as always. I really like everything about it, I just don't love it enough to give it a must watch. I have no complaints. Ok, I thought Usuda Asami's food developer sub story was undercooked. I think 0.5 no Otoko is just right below must watch. If you want a relaxed, feel good show about a hikkikomori coming out of his shell, 0.5 no Otoko is the show for you. Very, very watchable.

1 comment:

  1. Robert6:44 am

    Loved this, but it might be too slow and subtle for some. Yeah, the taste adventurer subplot was the only misfire but it was only a few scenes and the show had other quirky but interesting details that similarly didn't get dwelled upon.

    It was great seeing the house cross-section set at the end.
