Monday, August 01, 2022

Pandora no Kajitsu Episode 1

I have no idea why Dean Fujioka keeps getting main roles. Nothing that I have seen him in has made me think 'hey, this guy can act'. In fact its the opposite, I just keep wondering why this guy keeps getting pushed all the time.

Pandora no Kajitsu is a science based investigation series about a division to investigate crimes using cutting edge technology. Santamaria Yusuke is your everyman cop and Dean Fujioka is his wooden partner.

There is also a genius super young scientist who I feel gets too involved and is too young. Episode 1 was felt completely flat. No chemistry at all between the characters despite Santamaria Yusuke's best efforts. 

Despite the appearance of Uchida Rio, there was nothing positive about this show to convince me to give episode 2 a try. IPandora no Kajita was trying to be cool and funny and intriguing but ended up being bland and dry. Avoid.

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