Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Ishiko to Haneo Episodes 1~3 jdorama review

Ishiko to Haneo uses the Trick formula; put two flawed people who don't like each other but can form a perfect team together to solve cases and add in a dash of humour.

Arimura Kasumi is Ishiko, a paralegal who is smart but cannot pass the bar exam. Haneo (Nakamura Tomoya) is not a good lawyer but possesses a photographic memory so he easily passed the exam on the first try. Ishiko to Haneo sounds like a slam dunk with the acting talent and concept but there are two problems.

First is no chemistry between the two leads. Not even half the chemistry that Abe Hiroshi and Nakama Yukie had. Which is made worse because of a third wheel joins the team at the end of episode 1. Way too crowded and just destroys any chance of building some chemistry. I think Nakamura Tomoya is the wrong guy to put next to Arimura Kasumi.

Second problem is that first two stories are meh and there was nothing in the first two episodes that showed any promising signs for me. Looks like Arimura Kasumi's amazing run of good jdoramas has ended at the hands of TBS.  Avoid unless you have trouble falling sleep. 


  1. Robert8:30 am

    Love both the leads so I was excited about this one but it doesn't quite come together... I wouldn't call it crap, just mediocre.

  2. Anonymous10:13 am

    Man, you're right about it having the right elements on paper but it just felt... meh. Watched 2 episodes and dropped it
