Sunday, June 19, 2022

In the Wake jmovie review

I went into in the wake with no knowledge of the movie other than seeing Abe Hiroshi and Satou Takeru on the cover. 

Abe is a police detective investigating two murders in Sendai and Satou Takeru who has just been released from prison is the main suspect.

As Abe chases after the truth, In the Wake goes from a serial murder movie to a movie about the touhoku earthquake and social welfare in Japan.

I rather enjoyed how the movie managed to incorporate interesting and serious issues into the structure of a serial murder mystery.

My only criticism is that the ending twist was a bit too much for me. I don't hate it but I don't like it either. Its a revelation that you can't be too sure about.

Watchable movie and the story definitely stayed in my mind long after watching especially in regards to social welfare.

If you are an Abe fan and feel in the mood for a serious murder mystery, In the Wake is for you. I got the raws from dramahd and the subs from avistaz.


  1. Robert8:45 am

    This looks great! Thank's for reviewing and bringing it to my attention... I'll be checking this out for sure.

  2. Robert11:16 am

    This movie was excellent, just not quite a Must Watch because of some cliches and the improbable twist that you mentioned. The welfare aspect reminded me of Caseworker's Diary and Woman, both being favorite dramas of mine. Thanks for recommending this.

  3. @Robert: Thanks for Reminding me about Caseworker's Diary! I had completely forgotten it while thinking about welfare jdoramas.
