Thursday, February 17, 2022

Mikkoku wa Utau jdorama review


The first episode is very confusing. I know its a police show but there is a lot of standing around and stalking people and conversations that I was not sure about. Matsuoka Masahiro's acting also seemed a bit wooden and I thought this might the first meh WOWOW show in a long time.

Anyway, got to episode 2 and the story was clearer. Mikkoku wa Utau is an infernal affairs show. The tension of the show is who can you really trust and who is telling the truth. The only character we know is clean is Sara played by Matsuoka Masahiro.

There's this story about how everyone blames Sara for his colleague's death blah blah but because no one says why you know its your typical Japanese bullying storyline. Even when the truth was revealed I kept thinking why would anyone think it is Sara's fault anyway?

I enjoyed the tension as Sara's investigation got deeper and watching him slowly put all the clues together.

Another thing I enjoyed was Ikeda Tetsuhiro as Suga, Sara's partner in internal affairs. We always see him play silly characters and it fun to see him play a completely serious one. I also enjoyed how we are slowly feed Suga's backstory without any confirmation whether they are true.

Internal affair stories are not that common in jdoramas and I enjoyed the tension of this whodunnit and the pacing of the revelations as opposed to something like Shinhannin Flag which just drags on and on and gets sillier by the episode.

Mikkoku wa Utau starts of confusing but by the end I enjoyed the ending and hope WOWOW can do a sequel. Watchable and thanks to HPriest for subbing and uploading the raws!

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