Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Boku no Satsui ga Koi wo Shitai Episodes 1~3

Boku no Satsui is a romance comedy about about this guy Shu who's adopted father played by Fujiki Naohito is killed. 

Shu learns from Mizuno Miki that his Fujiki Naohito is really an assassin and he was killed by Araki Yuko who is a famous mangaka.

Shu sets off to fulfill his destiny and revenge his father. One of the things that could have been funny was Fujiki Naohito was subliminally training Shu to be an assassin.

Shu of course cannot kill Araki Yuko and instead ends up protecting her from assassination attempts.

Boku no Satsui ga Koi wo Shitai could have been a decently funny show but the script is just so bad.

Its barely even funny and feels like a boy band cosplay show. The rival assassin is just so cringey bad. 

Don't watch this. I gave up halfway through episode 3. There is nothing redeeming about this. 


  1. The infuriating thing about this show would have taken the slightest bit of effort to make it good. Everything is so phoned in, its so embarrassing. I was looking forward to this one, cause it was starring the Japanese Keanu, but it gets even more painfully bad after episode 3...

  2. Anonymous10:13 pm

    Out of topic but, have you watched Iribito? Curious about your impression since it's from wowow as well. It's been subbed also.

  3. @Anonymous: I have not seen Iribito yet but will soon!

  4. Anonymous3:32 am

    A shitshow no matter how one looks at it, it's a bummer that the upcoming Amazon Prime ori drama Game of Spy is written by the same guy who wrote this and Lupin no Musume which is also unwatchable boring shitshow. They should've invested more in better writer and just better production team for dramas that they fully know will be marketed globally, instead of going by their outdated ideas of what's going to be received well by western and international audience...
