Saturday, January 08, 2022

The Naked Director season 2


The first season of this Netflix jdorama was a watchable show about the rise Japan's most influential porn director Muranishi Toru. Season 2 is about Muranishi's fall and its a pretty boring show.

Main reason for me is that Muranishi is not an interesting character. Yes he is charismatic and changed Japanese porn but he is a salesman with tunnel vision and the real interesting characters are all the supporting characters who are drawn to Muranishi. 

I felt there was too much Muranishi and not enough of everyone else and I was twiddling my thumbs watching him burn his empire down and ignore everyone who cared for him. I wanted more make up lady and Rugby stories.

The other reason I didn't like season 2 is that there were too many freaking endings. I was ready for the show to end so many times but it just kept going from one ending to another. 

Meh from me and season 2 felt like a waste of time and maybe I should dropped it halfway. As I said in my review of Season 1, you are better of watching Mosaic Japan or Make Up Room.

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