Monday, November 22, 2021

Samayou Yaiba Episodes 1+2

Episode 1 of Samayou Yaiba is one of the hardest episodes I had to watch. 

It starts off with Takenouchi Yutaka having a nice morning with his daughter Ema and on her way back from work she is taken by 3 teenagers drugged, raped and killed.

I really thought about turning it off or fast forwarding past the rape scene. I was thinking why I was watching this depressing stuff but you have to for the story.

Takenouchi Yutaka is very good. When he is not playing a grinning Judge who does whatever he wants with no logic, he can play devastated and determined dad and I am very sure 100% of the audience wants him to get his revenge.

There's this scene where he talks to the police after identifying Ema's body. So bloody heavy I am hanging at every word, every twitch. This is WOWOW at its best. Just kicks the arse of every other network in Japan.

Samayou Yaiba is a Higashino Keigo story and you know there's going to be a twist somewhere. Most likely from Ishida Yuriko's character who runs a pension?

This show is so damn depressing to watch but I am so happy for a good WOWOW show. The remaining 4 episodes please be good!

Looks like there was a movie back in 2009 and Takenouchi Yutaka played one of the cops in that one. I will definitely watch it after this one.

Its a bit too early to call definitely but the last two episodes have been must watch stuff. A big thank you to HPriest who always subs the good stuff. I can't wait for the next episode so I think I will watch the rest of it raw and do my review after the English subs have finished. If you don't mind depressing and dark, Samayou Yaiba is jdorama at its best.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation Mike.

    Can't pass up on Ishida Yuriko and Wowow
