Thursday, August 12, 2021

Tokyo MER Episode 1

Tokyo MER is a medical drama with the gimmick of a Team with a large vehicle which can function as an ER hence the name mobile ER.

Its a big budget show with Suzuki Ryohei, Naka Riisa and Ishida Yuriko in it but I have a problem with the show. The problem is the main character played by Suzuki Ryohei loves to jump head on into dangerous situations to save lives.

Its cool to want to save lives but risking one's life without the professional firefighters first making sure things are safe etc? Its just unsafe workplace practice and he could have easily added to the body count and made it more difficult to save both people.

I know the writers want to make him heroic and heroes in jdoramas are usually people who don't stick by the book but its just stupidity when doctor tries to do the firefighter's job.  The handbook on health and safety wasn't written overnight. 

I really couldn't enjoy Tokyo MER. I haven't given episode 2 a try but I know the moment  Suzuki Ryohei dashes into a crumbling building I will be hoping it collapses on him so he can learn his lesson. Do not watch unless you don't mind main characters taking unnecessary risks.

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