Sunday, August 29, 2021

Its over 4TBs and jdorama file sizes

Earlier this year, I ran out of space on my 4TB portable HD which I use to store my jdoramas. It was time to upgrade and unfortunately the biggest size portable HDs is 5TB. Now there is only 726gb left on the 5TB which is actually 4.54TB.

One day the 5TB will fill up and I will have to make a choice. Whether to split my jdoramas alphabetically into two 5TB HDs? Or just go pure desktop HD backup? It doesn't seem like portable HDs will get bigger than 5TB because of size limitations.

The time to decide is coming faster and faster because jdorama sizes are just getting bigger. I just downloaded the latest season of Keiji 7-nin because it comes with Japanese subs and the files are 1.7gb per episode. It seems like file sizes are getting exponentially bigger and every time I see a 1gb file size I want to cry.

Recently I have been getting my raws from dramahd because their file sizes are smaller but I want to try to watch more shows with Japanese subtitles.

My other option is to cull my jdoramas. There are plenty of shows that I probably won't watch again like Semi-Double so maybe I'll have to sacrifice them to make space. I can't imagine I have that many bad shows in my collection. 

We have come so far from when I burnt jdoramas onto cds and had multiple cd folders around my room. Now I have years and years of jdorama in one portable HD and I am too lazy to decide what's going to happen when that space runs out.


  1. Anonymous4:04 am

    I'd rip the subs with Faasoft Video Converter and download another smaller raw.

  2. It depend on what you mean by portable ... I bought me one 8TB external for the storage (and it is portable although not a 2,5" size one) and I guess there are bigger ones out there already. ...
    I just found external ones up to 18TB on alternate for instance ...
    although I think going for the 8-12 TB ones is most price efficient right now ...

  3. not sure if you guys have suffered hard drive failure, but I've probably lost at least a half a dozen ones including a large jdorama collection. Sure, Love & Farm won't be missed, but Kanojo to Kare to Oshaberi Kuruma was the most painful loss.

    My recommendation is, have double backup...

    I use cloud automatic backup service, because I don't trust myself to backup.

  4. Enjoyed and amused by this post. I think I've accumulated a lot more than 4TB of dramas, some watched and many unwatched, which would probably qualify me as a pathological hoarder. And I try to have backups so I don't lose my favorites in case of hard drive failure, because dramas don't last forever in cyberspace, and I have had hard drive failure and then had to go hunt down new downloads. I am an avistaz member, but they don't always have the size/resolution I want.
    It's a difficult tradeoff of resolution and size, isn't it? I can watch 480p on my phone satisfactorily, but when I'm watching on my TV screen, 720p can be still too coarse.
    My original impetus to watching jdramas was learning Japanese. I'm still at a basic level, but then I got interested in Korean (and collected more dramas) and then over the past year and a half, Mandarin. Promising myself I will get back to the previous languages in a year or two. As I said, I'm a hoarder.
    It seems we're in a transition period between hard drives and solid state drives. HD are still cheaper and higher capacity, but the gap is narrowing, and the capacity of HD is not increasing exponentially under Moore's Law any more.

  5. @Jung: I have uploaded ep 1 of Oshaberi Kuruma to Mega.
    let me know if the link works for you.

    @hamanosilence: Yeah, maybe I need to ditch 2.5" ones for more price efficiency.

    @Rick: I would rather have smaller size and put up with resolution but I don't mind for very good shows. Good luck with your 3 languages!

  6. Anonymous10:02 pm

    I've suffered similar problems. Possible suggestions:
    1. Get a NAS that has multiple drive bays. Also works great as a seedbox
    2. Look into HEVC encoding. It can take a while to convert depending on your CPU, but it can cut down a lot on file size without losing much quality.

  7. Thanks Mike for the upload! Brought back sweet memories. Loved sakuaraba nanami's role here.

  8. @Jung: I have uploaded episode 2.

  9. Anonymous8:10 pm

    NAS is the right way IMO.. I'm experimenting with OpenMediaVault using old PC.

    TBH I regret neglecting my collection over the years. hundred of GB or possibly TB worth of drama either deleted or stuck inside unmountable HDDs. Of course, popular titles can be streamed easily nowadays but rare stuff like Anego or Anna san no Omame are either nonexistent or in low Q, it's better to hunt bargain DVD instead
