Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Love or Not season 1 review

I can't remember the last time I saw Motokariya Yuika. I always associate her with her role in Gonzo: Densetsu no Keiji and Lady Joker, two of my favourite shows so she is always in my good books.

Love or Not is about 3 guys and 3 girls who who get together for a goukon and of course, the wrong people fall for each other. The main couple is of course Motokariya Yuika who still pines for her childhood love Kosuke but of course Kosuke won't admit that he is the one or else we won't have 10 episodes to fill.

I would describe Love or Not as another version of Daisy Luck. Everything is a walking cliche from characters to dialogue to the main couple who are oblivious to the fact that they are meant to be together. 

However, like Daisy Luck it is fun because it manages to to be entertaining while keeping the main couple from confessing their feelings over 9 episodes. Being neighbours is a great idea to easily allow both characters to keep running into each oether. Plus the 25 minute runtime means the story is very lean and things happen one after another without any filler.

If you are after a light and easy rom-com that does not feature high schoolers, I would suggest Daisy Luck first and then Love or Not. Expect nothing and the 10 episodes will end before you know it. Thanks to BeSmiley for subbing this. There is apparently a season 2 but I can't find the raw. Love or Not may not be memorable but you won't have a bad time watching.


  1. Anonymous8:22 am

    Off topic, but have you watched nijiiro karute from earlier this year? If you haven’t as yet, I highly recommend it; it is a nice feel good show about being positive and living with your problems that’s not preachy and melodramatic. If you did watch it,could you do a review on it? Thanks!

  2. Robert3:35 pm

    You had me as Daisy Luck, which yeah was a fun show. I'll have to check this out.

    Nijiiro Karute was pretty good.

  3. @Anonymous and Robert: I will check out Nijiiro Karute. Thanks for the recommendation.
