Sunday, May 02, 2021

Ichikei no Karasu Episode 1

In police and court doramas there is one 'unreality' that is accepted in order for the story to be told and that is the police case or court matter which seemingly is resolved in a week normally takes multiple months or even years and the people involved are juggling multiple files at the some time.

Solicitors or judges can be have 100 to 200 files open at one time at various different stages. We don't see this in jdoramas because its not good storytelling and at most we got two cases in one episode and it always ends up that the two cases are connected.

Ichikei no Karasu not only does not subscribe to this unreality, the story of the dorama itself is about the Judge Takenouchi Yutaka who is way behind in his workload of cases because he likes to perform investigations himself and Nagi is the judge who was sent to get Takenouchi Yutaka in the black.

Ichikei no Karasu has decided to bring the real world into this show and in the real world a judge has to hear 20 matters a day, unless its a trial hearing. That reading files and reports, doing orders etc and our main character judge has the free time to hear only 1 matter and then run around doing investigations which should have already been done by the police and prosecution and defence lawyers!

Ichikei no Karasu cannot have its cake and eat it. The idea Ichikei no Karasu is trying to sell is that justice has to be done properly making everyone incompetent and making the inefficient judge who acts more like the defence lawyer the hero. I know not everything has to be realistic, especially in jdoramas but Ichikei no Karasu opened pandaro's box and can't shut it close again.

I hope I managed to articulate why I just don't buy this jdorama. I know Japan is a civil law and not a common law country but I can't just buy the story. And how the hell did Nagi who I believe is 30 become Judge? Has she been practicing law since she was 5 years old? She's not even old enough to be partner of a law firm. Unwatchable. I'll try one more episode but I'm pretty sure I am going to hate it as well.


  1. dgundam12:12 am

    same for me mike. i just didnt like the premise.

    on another note...i was surpised to find that there a dragon zakura 2021 with abe hiroshi out. are you going to try it out?

    on the one hand im too old for high school dramas....on the other hand it is abe hiroshi...

  2. I will take a peek at Dragon Zakura 2021. I think it will be very hard to capture that magic again.
