Monday, March 01, 2021

Anonymous Episodes 1-4

One of the biggest news in Japan last year was the suicide of professional wrestler Kimura Hana after receiving a lot of online bashing from appearing on Terrace House. The case highlighted the fact that the barrage of anonymous online criticism can have detrimental effects on people and Anonymous seems to me is a response to that case.

Anonymous is special department that deals cyber bullying and trolling with Katori Shingo as the main character Banjo. Its a great acting gig for him because all he has to do is look grumpy and and not say any lines until the end of the episode.

The other main character is played by Sekimizu Nagisa and I just hate it when they cast yet another early 20s actress as a detective. I call it the Ueto Aya syndrome; casting actresses who are way to young to be surgeons/doctors etc because Japan can't possibly have a 30 something actress acting alongside an ojisan. Its bloody annoying because it must take years for a police officer to go from koban duty to detective.

Besides the annoying and idealistic main heroine, there is not much to complain here. The subject matter of online bashing is of interest to me. Nowadays we can see how powerful and how dangerous this online mob mentality is and should people be able to hide behind the veil of anonymity when spreading lies and venom?

Storyline wise, nothing stands out yet. I would say its a watchable jdorama for the subject matter but the show is nothing special. Watchable if the subject matter interests you.

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