Thursday, February 04, 2021

Kyouen NG Episode 1


Its a mystery how a show like Kyouen NG is not subbed Nakai Kiichi and Suzuki Kyoka in it as former lovers and famous actors who have never acted together since they broke up many years ago. Now they have to act together for the first time in ages in a new dorama and can the two actors who hate each other manage to work together?

I can watch Nakai Kiichi and Suzuki Kyoka fight all day. The question is will I be interested in all the other characters? The twist of the show is every other pair of actors in this new dorama are also kyouen NG aka hate each other and don't want to act together.

Looks like the hook of the show will be our main couple solving each pair's problems per episode. I am not super excited about the concept but I am willing to give it a shot. There is a version on Avistaz with Japanese subs so I recommend that one to make watching easier.

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