Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Shitteru Wife Episodes 1+2


Shitteru Wife is a jdorama about a Wife who does not allow husband to play video games and he has to secretly play in closet room. 

Husband runs into kouhai who confesses that she used to like him and husband is thinking if he had made a different choice in life, he would not have to secretly play video games in his own home.

Husband runs into Yabe Kenzo with the fakest stuck on facial hair ever and is given the keys to time travel. 

Husband buys a PS4 with his secret savings and wife drowns the PS4 so husband decides to travel back in time to get him a wife who will let him play his PS4.


+ Its a typical time travel feel good jdorama. Husband finds out that the grass is not always greener on the other side and messing with the past also messes with the life of others blah blah blah.

+ Hirose Alice is fun to watch.

+ You can't go wrong with the time travel formula because we already know how the character development beats are going to be. 

+ Teaches all wives to let their husbands play video games or husband will time travel.


- Nothing bad so far.


= I don't think Shitteru Wife will rise above watchable for me but it doesn't need to as long as it is feel-good fun.


Shitteru Wife does not reinvent the wheel but as long as it can give me a smooth ride, I am onboard. Watchable.


  1. Talvalin11:12 pm

    Reading the synopsis, I thought this story sounded familiar. It's a remake of a Korean drama called Familiar Wife, which is on Netflix (in Japan anyway).

    I think I would prefer to watch the Japanese version so I will definitely be checking this out.

  2. @Talvalin: Shitteru Wife must be the first remake of a Korean drama that ended up being good after all the meh stuff like Voice.
