Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Jmovie review Mother (2020)

After The Forest of Love, the next Netflix movie on my list is Mother starring Nagasawa Masami and Abe Sadao and written and directed Omori Tatsushi who directed the Ravine of Goodbye.

Mother is one of the most depressing movie you will see because Nagasawa Masami plays a horrible mother who does not care for her son at her.

You are just watching this weak excuse of a person treat her son like garbage and as the viewer I was hoping she would show him some kind of love and that he would grow up ok because he has every single excuse in the world to be a horrible person.

From young, the mother teaches the son how not to listen to authority and how not to work and to steal.

I won't spoil what happens but I could not stop staring at this movie and there is a line that the son says at the end that is just so gut wrenching. 

As much as I dislike Nagasawa Masami's acting she does a decent job playing the no good mother.

This movie will haunt me for a long time and if you are into dark and depressing movies, its a must watch. Thanks to Faiz Ikari for recommending Mother. I should check out the rest of Omori Tatsushi's movies because he is very good at telling stories.

Please watch Mother on Netflix so that they can make more great Japanese movies!

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