Sunday, December 13, 2020

Yoru ga Dorehodo Kurakutemo Episode 1

I have been eagerly anticipating this show set in the same world as Siren no Zange and also covering the same issues; the relationship between crime and media and the police. Big thank you to citrine for subbing this.

The main character in Yoru ga Dorehodo Kurakutemo is the deputy editor of a weekly tabloid Shuukan Jiryuu, Shiga played by Kamikawa Takaya. In the beginning of the episode he tells this new transferee Inami who has been given the task of writing up on a idoru's scandal that the job of a tabloid reporter is to be hated.

Not long after, we find out that Shiga's son is suspected of killing a couple before trying to commit suicide. The deputy editor of Shuukan Jiryuu who hunts scandals has now become the target of the media.

I enjoy shows that make me think and Yoru ga Dorehodo Kurakutemo has made me think about how media sells by attacking people and jumping to conclusions. I also enjoyed Shiga's reaction to all that is happening to him because he knows exactly what is happening as he has done this many times to others. Although I must say, Shiga's writing of the article is way to naive for someone of his experience but I he probably can't think straight with all that has happened.

There is one thing I really don't want to happen with this story and that is I don't want the new transferee Inami to be revealed as the mastermind.  That would just cheapen the story and the characters.

If you have seen Siren no Zange and want more, definitely watch Yoru ga Dorehodo Kurakutemo. If you have not seen Siren no Zange, give it a go and lower your expectations and you might find an interesting show about media and crime.

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