Sunday, November 08, 2020

Shichinin no Hisho Episodes 1~3


When I started episode 1 of Shichinin no Hisho, I got very excited when I found out the concept: seven secretaries working for various important people in Tokyo working together for whatever reason.

My mind was racing imagining all sorts of information sharing and behind the scenes conspiracies.

Alas, Shichinin no Hisho is very different from what I imagined. Its about seven secretaries who despite their busy jobs have the time to go undercover for long periods and actually work together in the open to bring justice to very bad people.

This tells you that you have to turn of your brain completely to watch this show. If you want to leave your brain on, go watch Siren no Zange.

However, Shichinin no Hisho has two things going for it. First is that Hirose Arisu is pretty funny as the dumb secretary who gets helped by the group and just invites herself to their activities.

Second is that the bad people are really bad and you want to see them get taken down. I've probably said this before but what separates overacting bad guys from shows like Shichinin no Hisho and Hanzawa Naoki is that Shichinin no Hisho does not take itself too seriously.

The gimmick is that Eguchi Yosuke aka An-chan from Under the Same Roof is the boss of the secretaries who all owe him money and he runs a ramen shop. Its not a good show by any stretch but I kind of enjoyed episode 3 because it dealt with racism in Japan without spelling things out. Barely watchable in my book but some people might enjoy this a lot more.


  1. Hi Akiramike, I saw this movie on Netflix starring Masami Nagasawa and Sadao Abe, it looks like a depressing story. And its directed and written by Tatsushi Ohmori(The Ravine of Goodbye). You might check that one out.

    1. Forgot its title, its Mother (2020).

  2. @Faiz Ikari: I love The Ravine of Goodbye. That was such a good movie and will definitely check Mother out!
