Sunday, November 29, 2020

Satsui no Michinori Episodes 1+2

Satsui no Michinori is a revenge murder dorama from WOWOW written by Bakarhythm. WOWOW you can normally associate with murder jdoramas but definitely not Bakarhythm and this is a very Bakarhythm script.

Arata's father commits suicide because he gets into debt because of an evil CEO. Arata plots wants revenge and his cousin Bakarhythm joins in his plan. The story is about the two cousins coming up with their plan step by step and they are not the brightest of criminals.

Satsui no Michinori is less slapstick, more dry humour. Everything is taken seriously by the characters and I wonder how the actors even keep a straight face. 

While the first two episodes have been slightly amusing with it dry humour, I am hoping the story will kick up a gear in episode 3.

Can't go wrong with WOWOW and Bakarhythm and subs by HPriest. Watchable.

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