Monday, October 26, 2020

Siren no Zange Episode 1

Wow. It has been a while that a first episode has gotten me really excited. Siren no Zange is of course a WOWOW production Araki Yuko from Suits. More importantly, the writer Shinozaki Eriko wrote Hanzai Shokogun, Good Wife and Saka no Tochu no Ie. On the other hand she also did Ryu no Michi so temper your expectations a bit.

Araki Yuko plays a report for Afternoon Japan and the show is in dire straits because they have broken the journalistic rules twice. A kidnapping of a female high school student happens and the police asks all the media to hold off doing anything to not interfere and protect lives. Unfortunately Araki Yuko and Afternoon Japan do not do so and there are consequences to pay.

Love the script of episode 1. It is basically a discussion about the role of journalist vs police trying to do their job. From the police perspective, media would do minimal reporting until an investigation is complete because releasing of information might interfere with an investigation, particularly when information is wrong.

On the other hand, the mass media believe that people have the right to know. They have the right to be outraged and put pressure on the police to be swift. The world of ratings is cutthroat and just reading aloud police news briefings will not bring in the bread.

I love shows where there are no easy answers and shows that show why rules are there in the first place. I can feel the confidence in the script and the execution for Siren no Zange. WOWOW have also surrounded Araki Yuko with a bunch of good actors including of course Takashima Masanobu aka Moriyama sensei from Doctors.

Fingers crossed my WOWOW senses are correct and Siren no Zange will end up a very good show. The raw from Siren no Zange is up on nyaa and the subs are by HPriest at d-addicts.


  1. Anonymous9:52 pm

    HAven't watched it yet, but I already doubts if Araki can carry a WOWOW drama

  2. @Anon: I don't think Araki can carry any dorama well but she has a lot of support in Siren no Zange.
