Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Fukushima 50 jmovie review

Fukushima 50 is a movie about 2011 Tohoku disaster starring Watanabe Ken and Sato Koichi from the perspective of the workers of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant.

The earthquake and tsunami happens and the workers of the Power Plant have to stay back and handle the meltdown and prevent things from getting worse.

This blow by blow account of the challenges that the brave men and women faced to try to contain the situation and how the chain of command worked at that time.

It is a sobering look at the risk of using nuclear energy and the workers who had no choice but to continue working for their families and country.

I don't know how to rate Fukushima 50. Its not a must watch movie but I feel everyone with an interest in Japan should watch it because it was one of Japan's worst disasters in recent memory.

Fukushima 50 is available from avistaz with subtitles and I recommend it if you want something very serious about ordinary heroes. 

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