Sunday, September 20, 2020

Laplace's Witch jmovie review


It is not often that during a movie that I will question why all the people involved in the movie signed out in the first place. Did they not read the script? Sure their agents would have read the script and realised how horrible it was?


We are not talking about people who need any work they can get. We are talking about Hirose Suzu, Tamaki Hiroshi, Moriyama sensei from Doctors, Shida Mirai, Lily Franky and Toyokawa Etsushi. Surely they would know what a trainwreck of a movie this would become just from the script?

Of course the answer was that Laplace's Witch is was based on a novel by Higashino Keigo and that Miike Takashi. Yes, Miike who directed such classics as Zebraman but who also made really bad movies like Ryu ga Gotoku which didn't respect the source material. Maybe everyone signed on after reading the book not caring how small their part was.

I have no idea how good the book was but Laplace's Witch is probably the worst Japanese movie I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of stinkers. The plot, dialogue and exposition is so freaking bad and at the end when everyone starts monologing I was wondering if the actors themselves knew if the movie was bad and that the script was all over the place.

Absolutely do not watch Laplace's Witch. There is no saving this movie. Its so bad that it is tragic. I have not watched a Miike Takashi movie in years and I don't want to watch his movies anymore. 


  1. Anonymous6:10 pm

    It did well in box office, go figure

  2. Sadly, I watched this in the cinema for Tamaki Hiroshi. I don't know why he signed up for this movie, it was so awful, boring and ridiculous. I can't believe Higashino Keigo wrote this. Definitely do not watch.

  3. @anon: I think it has to do with a certain boyband member who's character in the movie does absolutely nothing.

    @junny: My condolences, you deserve a hug from Tamaki Hiroshi for wasting your time. If the gist of the story is the same as the book, I can't imagine it being any interesting.

  4. Watched this last year. Extremely dull. If its any consolation, I heard that 'First Love' by Miike was well-received and had great critical reviews.

  5. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Yeah, this is bad. But Miike sort of redeemed himself with First Love. It was hella fun movie.

  6. Anonymous9:20 pm

    +1 for First Love. What an awesome movie

  7. @Anons: OK, I will give First Love a go.
