Sunday, August 30, 2020

Samurai's Promise Jmovie review


Its been a while since I've watched a jidaigeki movie. Absolutely loved the first two Yamada Yoji samurai trilogy movies but I have been watching a lot more jdoramas compared to movies. Okada Junichi is the main character in Samurai's Promise as a samurai who got kicked out of his clan and left with his wife played by Aso Kumiko.

Unfortunately, Aso Kumiko got sick and died but not before making Okada Junichi to go back and help his old friend Nishijima Hidetoshi who was Okada Junichi's rival for Aso Kumiko. 

If you have seen jidaigeki, you know how it goes. You have the highly skilled but poor samurai going against corruption and useless bosses but no one can do anything because there are so many unwritten rules among the samurai and no one can really speak the truth.

The beginning was confusing for me as I was trying to figure out who was who and what was happening. I am grateful for the English subtitles because I would have been lost otherwise. After all the political talks, the movie slowly ramps and we get a lot of action in the end.

I can't complain about Samurai's Promise except for CG blood but I found it not as good as Twilight Samurai or the Hidden Blade. I can't exactly tell you why because they are all variations of the same formula but Samurai's Promise did not move me as much as the other two movies did.

Watchable but not memorable for me. If you are looking for a samurai movie, keep your expectations low and you might be surprised. Or just watch for Aso Kumiko.

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