Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ryu no Michi Episodes 1+2

 Ryu no Michi is a story about twin brothers taking revenge on transport company boss Endo Kenichi. Tamaki Hiroshi fakes his own death, changes his face and joins the criminal world while Takahashi Issey joins the Ministry of Land and Transport. 

Add in a younger sister who is not a real sister and Endo Kenichi's son who wants to do good and you have plenty of material of twists and turns.

 Ryu no Michi is like a soap opera thriller. You need to turn off your brain before watching and for me they need to limit the unbelievable things to 1 per episode which they have done. There has to be a limit to suspension of disbelief.

 In the beginning of the show, we get teased that the brother's will turn against each other in the end. I am very certain it has to do with the sister.

The only thing that I am not buying is how did Endo Kenichi cheat their parents and cause them to commit suicide. I know he is portrayed as an evil person but did he get the parents to sign a one sided contract without the parents getting legal advice? Shouldn't the parents get some of the blame also?

Ryu no Michi is not a good jdorama but it is a brain dead entertaining one so far and I need some of that to distract me from the bad things happening in the world. Thanks to eveychooey for subbing the first two episodes.


  1. The real twist would be if Endo Kenichi did not swindle the parents and it was all a huge misunderstanding, and there is some major meltdown of brains. I don't like the sister arc and the actress looks meh. Will hang in there for Tamaki Hiroshi and Takahashi Issei.

  2. Anonymous11:58 pm

    That sounds like a bizarre mashup of "Sanctuary" and "Ryusei no Kizuna," with the two male siblings and the unrelated sister teaming up to take down the man who did their folks wrong, and with one brother joining the underworld and the other the government.

  3. @junny: if only

    @anon: Forgot to mention I love Sanctuary but dislike Ryusei no Kizuna.
