Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Tetsu no Hone 2020 Episode 1

10 years ago, NHK made Tetsu no Hone, a show about bid-rigging in the construction industry starring Toyohara Kosuke aka Mr Lan Evo and Usuda Asami and it was good.. according to my review and then I hated the last two episodes.

I don't really remember anything about the show, which is a good thing but it also means that if this WOWOW version follows the NHK show, then I am going to hate the last two episodes as well.

I have not read my reviews for the NHK show so I will be interesting to read them once I've finished watching this WOWOW one and what a great first episode it is.

I had exactly two thought while watching episode 1, firstly is the first episode so good because of the script of is it because of the great WOWOW direction?

The second thought was that I would not want to be in this line of work because the stress would just be too much. I was glued to the screen for every second of the episode because WOWOW jdoramas are better than the rest.

Kamiki Ryunosuke is the young, impressionable protagonist who goes from construction supervisor to doing bids for public works but I really enjoyed watching Uchino Masaaki as the boss who convinces Kamiki that bid rigging is not only important for their company but it is essential for the survival of all small to medium sized construction companies.

The first episode is basically an argument about the pros and cons of bid rigging done against the backdrop of a bid and it is done masterfully.

I think just going for the cheapest bid is not a good idea. Years ago, I know someone tried to save money by going for the cheapest security company and what they got was very horrible security.

You get what you pay for and yet as a taxpayer, I would want government contracts to go to the cheapest bidder to save money. Watching the first episode I was thinking if I were in charge of deciding the bid, I would give other factors a consideration but how would I decide in the end?

I will refrain from giving it a must watch until I finish the show. Raws can be gotten from nyaa and subs from mare_zora.

Edit: You can get the raws from the mare_zora discord server here. The last episode is not one nyaa.


  1. Can't seem to find the raw for last episode on nyaa. Any ideas where to find?

  2. @tangerine_days: You can get the last episode from the mare_zora discord server here:
