Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu Episode 6

I freaking love this episode by Imaizumi Rikiya!

Its about Arimura Kasumi and her boyfriend is the crown jewel of the episode is this 10 minute single conversation on a couch when Arimura discovers that her boyfriend received a wedding invitation from his ex-girlfriend.

The dialogue that follows is absolutely delightful as they both pay too much attention to each other's perceived feelings (気を使うすぎる) while trying to suss what the other is thinking.

I love Arimura asking him what is normal, a crutch the boyfriend uses too much because of who she is as well as him being her only partner.

When a dialogue is so well written, a ten minute conversation can say so much about two people. The scene ends with a great finish which I won't spoil here.

On the whole, I enjoyed Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu because the talent is great and I am talking about the writers and directors. The last episode was also great fun.

I wished all the stories were had the same Kasumi and continuity, but that would drag the talent a bit. Episode 6 is must watch and would rate the whole show watchable. Can't remember the last time where a single scene just mesmerised me. I must check out more works by this Imaizumi Rikiya fella.


  1. Anonymous8:59 am

    This ended up being just ok with some good moments such as you've pointed out here.

    Speaking of well-written dialogue, I recently watched Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai which is a family drama that got a mention a while back in the comments here. It's along the lines of Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi, heavy on conversations, and just as good.


  2. His movies are all kind of excellent in my opinion. One of the best examiners of modern young love and it's intertwining with fate, hope, fear, selfishness, etc.

  3. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Seconding Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai. It's a much better written version of Nagi no Oitama.

  4. Currently watching Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai and finds it very enjoyable slice of life drama. Any other drama similar to Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai that you guys can recommend?

  5. Anonymous2:54 am

    @notpenk: Here's a list of some slice-of-life/family dramas (or something close to "family") that are worth watching. Not gonna say they are all exactly similar (or as good as) to Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai, but they all share the same mostly low-key vibe of people going about their lives and dealing with various personal problems.

    Home Drama
    Going My Home
    Saigo kara nibanme no koi
    Tokyo Bandwagon
    Yuube no curry, ashita no pan
    Family's Form

  6. Anonymous2:55 am

    Last comment was by me, Robert.

  7. Thanks Robert, much appreciated.
