Sunday, May 17, 2020

Akuma no Bengonin Episode 1

Akuma no Bengonin is a no budget midnight dorama starring Kaname Jun as the devil's lawyer because he wears all black 24/7 and he never smiles.

I think every actor desires to play a role where they don't have to move any facial muscles and try to recite every sentence without any feelings.

Becky plays his new assistant whose housemate works as a legal reporter.

Akuma no Bengonin is about this defence lawyer who will supposedly say and do anything to get results. Its a pretty standard legal dorama and you won't find any good acting here.

Its got too things that make it different though; first is that its got flashback scenes where the lawyers are in the flashback. Hard to explain but you'll see in the first episode.

The second is the secret of our Devil's lawyers which is revealed at the end of the episode. Ultimately, Akuma no Bengonin is a decent and breezy way to spend 40 minutes. Episode 1 has been subbed by Avallac'h here.


  1. dgundam1:35 am

    saw this the other day and been seeding it, been watching it for kamen rider g3x jun kaname! i cant believe times has flown so fast, everyone is so old now.

    how are you mike? u doing a lot of drama catch up? since im in an essential industry i still work so i havent been able to watch much jdrama, especially with my baby.
    i still only have watched kdo2 episode 1 lol.

    hopefully u are staying safe and healthy.

  2. @dgundam: I am doing well and still have a job so can't complain. Hope your family stays safe and be sure to introduce the baby to jdoramas!
