Thursday, April 23, 2020

Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu Episode 2

I had to write about Episode 2 of Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu straight after watching because I find it very interesting. This series is a fictional take on it-girl Arimura Kasumi having a day off from filming. Pretty sure junny won't be watching this but I would never say Arimura Kasumi can't act.

The story of episode 2 is about the perception of Arimura and everyone has different perceptions of her from her friend to her friend's love interest. To Arimura's friend, she is being perceived as being liked by all men because of her fame but it is far from the truth.

They only like her if she acts kawaii which is pretty much the truth for any female in the entertainment business. You see that with idorus in that they try to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

They try to get approval from the men and like Arimura's friend acts in a way to get approval from her love interest.

I'm no feminist but a lot of what this episode is about can also be applied to Japanese women in general. That a woman's value is how kawaii she is perceived rather than her good she is at her work.

Episode 1 is your typical Koreeda go back to hometown and uncover some secret story. Decent episode and he does it better than the rest but he's done it plenty of times now.

Episode 2 is different and got me thinking about a variety of things. Watchable and thanks to TVlover10 for subbing!


  1. Hahaha, I'm honoured that I merit a mention in your blog! No, I won't be watching this, but it is true that some directors can work semi-wonders with wooden actors, so maybe that's the case happening here. Hope the rest of the drama stays good for your sake.

  2. Anonymous9:14 am

    Yeah this has been good and watchable so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where the subsequent episodes are going.

  3. I will watch anything Koreeda, of course there will be works I prefer over others (ahem, Umimachi diary was ok at best). Thank you for this! Arimura Kasumi isn't Mitsushima Hikari (not many are), but her acting at least doesn't make me cringe, and she's cute to boost.

  4. #boot, bootttt

  5. I don't see why people-quite a few, it seems- have a problem with Our Little Sister. It's not Kore-eda's best work (that would go to Nobody Knows IMO) but it's still a sensitive and beautiful drama that is just as deserving of praise as his other films.

  6. @Man_Chair: I don't see how anyone could have a problem with Our Little Sister. Its one of Koreeda's best works.

  7. Sairi Itoh who is one of the support actors in this series is IMHO an underrated actress who is expressive and and natural.
    Umimachi Diary is one of my favorite movies all time, and one of my favorite Koreeda movies.
    Thank you for this excellent website. I really appreciate someone else wading through the dross to find the really good Japanese dramas (I find my taste in accord with yours).

  8. Anonymous5:36 pm

    @Rick How Sairi is underrated when she has so much work lately, including a lead role in NHK drama?

  9. It's been a while. Personal life taking its toll. I'm interested in this one, so will be trying this. I agree on Little Sister. Loved that very much. I actually got to meet Koreeda san after watching it at the Amsterdam premiere. I gave him my compliments. My ex girlfriend, who is colorist, actually criticized the color grading in it, and offered to do a better job. He then lost interest in us and turned around. I felt embarrassed, but was also impressed by her courage (she is actually very good at her job).
    Any way, did you watch 60 Gohan Taishakusitsu? I liked the first episode, and just started the second, and am now ecstatic about the first 12 minutes of it. I had to stop watching and do some severe fist pumping and yelled Yes!!! Yes!! That's how much I loved it. I hope it stays this good :-)

  10. @Antspace: Maybe the colour grading was an artistic choice? No I have not seen 60 Gohan Taishakusitsu. Doesn't even show up on google search but I will seek it out since you are saying its that good! Thanks!

  11. @Antspace: Nevermind, found the show.
