Sunday, April 05, 2020

10 no Himitsu Episodes 1~3

10 no Himitsu's tagline is that everyone has secrets which is 99% of all jdoramas anyway, except they are not usually so blatant about it. 10 no Himitsu has Mukai Osamu aka Mr Kuninaka Ryoko play the divorced father of a teenage girl who has been kidnapped and the kidnapper has tasked him with finding his ex-wife, Nakama Yukie who seems to be in all sorts of trouble.

10 no Himitsu has got a good supporting case of Naka Riisa as Mukai Osamu's friend who's more like a relative and Watabe Atsuro who works for Nakama Yukie's former company.

It is weird seeing Mukai Osamu playing an everyman ojisan and not to mention the daughter of a teenage girl. If I can be sure of one thing, he is not an everyman actor. They sort of try to make him a sympathetic character with the single father making lots of sacrifices but he bloody lives in a very, very nice mansion and if money is tight because of his lifestyle choice, then I have no sympathy for him.

Unfortunately, 10 no Himitsu is written by someone who thinks that just because there is a secret, that means the audience is interested. Just because someone says that he has a secret he cannot tell or that the narrator says that this person did not know the truth at this time, that does not mean the audience is interested.

The audience is only interested in the secret if they care or have empathy for the character(s) and in this case, Mukai Osamu's character is someone who chose to do the wrong thing many years ago and has never learnt from his mistake so I do not care about him.

I've watched 3 episodes trying to find something to keep me interested because I like the cast but while 10 no Himitsu is not nearly as bad as Triangle, its pretty boring. Avoid.

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