Thursday, January 23, 2020

Saint Young Men jmovie review

I think I've seen a bit of the Saint Young Men anime. It was an ok anime based on a manga about Buddha and Jesus having a vacation in Japan and living the slow life.

For some reason, someone decided to make a live action version because it doesn't cost anything to shot as 99% of it is set in a small Japanese apartment. I am pretty sure the risk reward of this movie is very, very low.

I like the casting and it really looked like the anime but Saint Young Men is something to be taken in small doses and not 2 hours straight.

Its just a bunch of skits without a main story to connect them all and its very hit or miss so I pretty much got bored at the halfway mark.

Never should have been made into a movie in the first place. Avoid. Watch the anime and not in one go.


  1. Hi there Akiramike. Did you already watch Tetsuya Nakashima latest movie, It Comes(Kuru)?. The better english subs already out.

  2. Probably the kind of thing that would be better off as a 30 minute drama instead of an actual film.

  3. This was a lovelyy blog post
