Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mada Kekkon Dekinai Otoko Episode 10

So its finally finished, the sequel to one of the greatest jdoramas ever written, Kekkon Dekinai Otoko.

Was it good and entertaining? Yes. I would even say must watch. The question is was it necessary?

Did Kuwano learn something new, especially after the failure of his relationship to Hayasaka sensei? We all know he is a nice guy but the question is can he compromise and learn to enjoy life with someone else? We never did learn why things did not work out in the end.

I think KDO2 turned out to be the best realistic scenario. It was a well written sequel that did not stray far from the formula of season 1. I like that it did not turn into Kuwano and his harem and the reason that Inamori Izumi was seemingly into Kuwano was to rile Yoshida Yo up.

I also liked the 'cameo' of a certain someone from season one when Kuwano was looking at the blog at the end.

Back to the question of was KDO2 necessary. KDO1 was perfection and had the perfect ending so there was no way for KDO2 to be necessary and it had nothing new to say. Though I must say the Eiji wedding episode was great.

KDO didn't need a sequel but it happened and it turned out to be good. We do not need a KDO3 ten years from now. Blitzfansub has subbed until episode 5 so make sure to watch!


  1. I'm glad it turned out to be good all the way through. I still feel like KDO S1 was perfection, but I'm kind of glad to see the characters again in a way.

    It's like Saigo Kara - it didn't need a S2. S1 was fine by itself, and I felt the special was a nice bonus. S2 kind of took away from its charms in a manner of speaking.

    (I have to say, it did make me go to Kamakura which I loved - and I got to see the train station!)

  2. @Sonna~: Completely forgot Saigo Kara had a sequel. The fact I don't remember it probably means something.

  3. Totally agree with you he still same kuwano but story it really pointless i much prefer an old cast.
    and the end not so fill the story for me it should be more clear.

  4. bframe51:19 am

    Definitely wasn't a bad thing that S2 happened, though. A lot of younger people I spoke to went out of their way to watch S1, even though it was before their time.

  5. @bframe5: How did the younger people find KDO1? Did they prefer Abe Hiroshi's chemistry with Hayasaka sensei or Yoshiyama sensei?
