Sunday, October 20, 2019

Nagi no Oitoma Episodes 7-10

Just finished Nagi no Oitama and what a flat second half that was.

Could have seen the no ending coming as the show was becoming an everyone became a better person and went their separate ways show.

Absolutely hated how Nagi at the most important moment with the coin laundry having fallen into her lap would not stand up against her mother and betrayed her friend. She absolutely lost me at this point.

Nagi no Oitoma gets a meh from me. I kept watching out of curiosity but in the end it didn't go anywhere interesting.


  1. Yeah. I liked the first half very much, but it fell apart entirely. I didn't mind the storyline of her being manipulated by her mum. These things happen. It's the way they did the confrontations of the families and the subsequent solution. There is no redemption for these characters. The whole thing felt contrived in the end :-P

  2. Anonymous1:19 am

    Better than "meh" for me but, yeah, this kind of petered out disappointingly after an amazing first half. Looking forward to rewatching sometime and seeing what to make of it all.
    Kuroki Haru strikes me as a very good actor. I've seen her in a few things now and she is a distinctly different character in each.

  3. Too bad about this one. :/ I wanted to like it, because I wanted Nagi to change more.
