Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Voice Episodes 1-4

Voice reminds me a lot of Signal and not just because both are remake of kdramas. Both have a science fiction premise, it Signal it was the ability to communicate through time and in Voice, its someone with a superhuman sense of hearing working at an emergency control room.

However, both also feel like the shows are trying way too hard to be touching and exciting. I will accept any premise as long as it leads me down an interesting path but the path that Voice makes doesn't feel well made.

Too many jumps in logic and the police looking incompetent, something that happens a lot in jdoramas. Most of all, it feels like certain crimes are happening in certain ways in order for Maki Yoko to use her super powers. Plus everyone knows that most calls to emergency lines are about domestic disputes.

I really wanted to like Voice because I am a fan of Karasawa Toshiaki and Maki Yoko but I just could not buy what Voice was trying to sell me. Sometimes the lines feel like they are badly translated from Korean.

If you liked Signal, Voice should be right up your alley. If you didn't like Signal like me, its not worth giving Voice a try. Its a real shame because I really like the cast in both shows. Voice with available with English subs. Meh.

1 comment:

  1. Voice is a less gory remake of the Korean original, just faster in terms of how cases are solved. The remake follows the original quite closely, with a few changes here and there, and less of "cops being asshole and trying to one up each other". If you thought the reliance on Maki Yoko's character was a lot in the J-drama, you should see the original... the cops were soooo slow on the uptake. However, the original is worth watching for the villain.
