Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mada Kekkon Dekinai Otoko pictures are out!

To be honest, I don't really want to watch KDO2. I refuse to believe that Kuwano and Hayasaka sensei did not get a happy end. If Kuwano Shinsuke could not find happiness with Hayasaka sensei, then what hope do the rest of us have?

Yoshida Yo and Inamori Izumi are good actors but are they going to have the chemistry with Abe Hiroshi?

No idea who this Fukagawa Ai is but she's playing the new neighbout. Can she be the new Kuninaka Ryoko?

The brother in law is back.

And most importantly the pug.

I'm keeping my expectations low and getting ready to wipe Mada Kekkon Dekinai Otoko from my memory if it sucks. I am counting on the great Ozaki Masaya to do his magic one more time. Mada Kekkon Dekinai Otoko starts in October.


  1. dgundam1:15 am

    wow this brings back going to have to force my wife to finish watching kdo...
    hmmm wat you say is true mike, UNLESS hayakawa sensei died of an illness, and kuwano will have to overcome being afraid of losing a loved one again and meeting a new person for romance.

  2. I can't believe they're doing a sequel at all. Should have just left it alone. Kuwano without Hayakawa sensei is so wrong. :(

  3. Mike I'm taking the JLPT skipped N5 and chose N4 on December. Which books did you use for grammar and mock test for N4, or did you use other resources/ app? Did you also start with N4 for your first JLPT exam? Thanks.

  4. @evanblogger : I used the official mock test book and the 日本語能力試験完全模試 by Jリサーチ. Yes, I started with N4. I also recommend this website for kanji and grammar practice:
    Good luck!

  5. I refuse to believe that Kuwano and Hayasaka sensei did not get a happy end.

    I thought the same. I even considered pretending that this didn't exist, but... oh I don't know. I'm going to watch the first episode anyway.

    I believe in Yoshida Yo, at least I think.

  6. I refuse to believe that Kuwano and Hayasaka sensei did not get a happy end.


    this is unnaceptable!

  7. Wow, KDO getting a remake. I bet no one saw this coming.

    And I also hope they don't destroy the name that the first one left.

  8. Anonymous10:16 am

    This was my favorite drama. So they didn't get married ?... I feel like japanese don't like much happy endings. Things often get ambigious (or worse like in "Over Time" lol)
