Monday, July 29, 2019

Anata no Ban Desu Counterattack Episode 12

Anata no Ban Desu started off as an interesting who dunnit mystery but now its just bloody dragging on and on and on. It feels like a show that was so successful that NTV is squeezing as much as they can but not giving the viewers enough breadcrumbs.

Instead we just get more specials about the weird people in the mansion. The best who dunnit thrillers are tight and exciting not the ones with padding. I thought the story was coming to an end cause everyone kept dying and they are introducing even more characters? I've lost any will to go on and don't care about revenge or if everyone dies. Meh.


  1. dgundam8:49 am

    hi a fukakyon fan...and i cant believe im wataching lupin musume....this season....

    on another note...ive been busy with life and havent logged into avistaz since i registered when u mentioned registration was open.....unfortunately when i tried logging in today, my account was deleted T.T

    i guess i will have to wait for you to announce when registration is open again.

    hope your enjoying this new season of dramas. still working on trying to get wife to watch jdramas, but she wants more action like western dramas.

  2. @dgundam - Next time just download something and leave the torrent running. You have to keep your avistaz account active.

    Jdoramas don't really have the budget for decent action. Maybe get her to try Mirror Twins or Inuyashiki for action.
