Monday, May 27, 2019

Anata no Ban Desu Episodes 1-7

I went into Anata no Ban Desu with no information and no expectations. At first I was thinking not another couple move into a suburban apartment where everyone is suspicious and hiding a secret. These shows tend to be very formulaic with the mommy cliques, person who likes to go to trash etc etc although once in a while we get a gem like Genkai Danchi that took things to the extreme.

It did not take long for Anata no Ban Desu to get interesting when the wife goes to resident's meeting and participates in a game where everyone writes the name of the person they want killed on a piece of paper and then the names are put into a box and drawn at random.

Whoever gets their wish granted will have to reciprocate and commit a murder for someone else. The theory is there is usual a motive for murder but if murder is done as part of an exchange, then it is much harder to draw a connection and prove motive. The person who's kill request is granted gets a note that says Anata no Ban Desu ie Its your turn to kill.

So what follows are 7 very exciting episodes where people are getting taken out one by one while everyone falls under suspicion. I must say, I can't remember the last time 7 episodes passed so fast.

The problem with mystery shows like Anata no Ban is that it comes down to the ending. A story can spin as many red herrings as it wants but sooner or later the truth has to be revealed so it either going to be awesome or they've gone too many twists to make sense.

On the whole, very exciting and watchable 7 episodes and I recommend you watch them. Anata no Ban Desu has been subbed until episode 5 by buttzilla at d-addicts and the raws are up at nyaa.


  1. I was also expecting some cliched melodramatic trash, but this turned out to be a real fun show. I just hope that they manage to successfully pull off the ending.

  2. I'm enjoying this drama a lot, it's fun trying to figure out how things link up. I also hope the ending is worth it. I do wish Tanaka Kei had more to do than just being the lovable, clueless puppy.

  3. I really liked Genkai Denchi, so will definitely give this one a go :-)
