Friday, February 22, 2019

Japan trip 2018/2019 Part 11 : Retrogame Loot

My focus this trip was retrogames. If you look at the prices, Sega Saturn games are generally pretty cheap except for the few rare ones. Most of my games weren't working when I went back home last year so I'm restarting my collection.

Games in picture from top left:
Langrisser V - Aiming to get I-V and finish them all... someday.
Macross - Finished this many times.
Lunar 2 - Finished PSP version last year.
Dragonforce 2 - Going to give it another go.
Feda Remake - Never finished.
Lunar - Finished PSP version last year.
Azel Panzer Dragoon - Never played.
Panzer Dragoon - I played the hell out of 2, can't remember 1.

Wachenroder - Never played. Bought for Range Murata artwork.
Shining Force 2 - One of my favourite games ever. Can't believe battery still working!
Langrisser 1-4 - My Langrisser collection is now complete.

Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza jacket with hood from arcade in Kabukicho with Mega Drive pins and Ryu ga Gotoku keychain.

 Very nice pins.

I was hoping these could be used as hand towels but they are pretty cheap and thin. I think I'm going to use them to cover computer screens.

Got this at a Sega arcade in Akiba. We were walking around the arcades trying to find one that had Sega goods.

Magic Knight Rayearth - I remember playing this quite a bit but I look forward to finishing it
Samurai Spirits RPG - I finished it when I was a wee lad and didn't know wny Japanese.
Shining the Holy Ark - I finished this twice in Japanese and I look forward to understanding the story.

Sega Saturn battery. I had to throw away my old battery because my bag was getting heavy. I guess the Saturn was more popular than the Mega Drive was in Japan.

Front Mission 5 - Got it for free.
House of the Dead 2+3 - We are currently trying to finish HoTD2 and have finally reached the last boss.
Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles - Need more Wii gun games.

Dark Saviour - Sequel to Landstalker, a game on my I need to finish this league.
Shining the Holy Ark - 2nd copy cause the first copy had a scratch
LoGH - Just because
Sega Rally - played this game so many times
Sega Touring Car - Europop music is too good

Got myself a Mega Drive, Gunstar Heroes and World of Illusion to play with my partner and Aladdin because of the animations. Megadrive games unfortunately are not that cheap.

Sega Rally 2006 - Long easy right, maybe
Binary Domain - Never played this Ryu ga Gotoku Studio game
Folk Soul - Underrated PS3 game and I would not mind replaying in Japanese
Saigo no Yakusoku Monogatari and Sol Trigger - I got both games on my Vita but they are cheap.
Final Fantasy Tactics - One of the greatest strategy RPGs ever but I've yet to play it a second time.

Dragonforce - Took me a while to find this classic!
Shining Wisdom - Love and Shining game pre Tony Taka
Shenmue 1&2 - Need to get ready for Shenmue 3

Zelda Windwaker HD - I did not like BoTW so maybe this is more my taste?
Wii Nunchuck so we can play the shooting games I bought
Mega Drive book - My 3rd MD book and I wish it had more pictures.

 Picture of all my loot from this trip. How am I going to find the time to play all this?

JLPT N2 books. I can't believe how many different speedmasters there were. There are you regular speedmaster books and your exam pattern speedmaster books. They really are milking students. I philosophy is less is more, no point having too many books like I had with N3. Just concentrate on my weakest subject; grammar. The plan was to start studying a little bit every weekend but I have yet to start.

Picture from the Premium Soft display from Surugaya. Anyway, what I learned from this trip was that for retrogames, if you want the best prices go hunting at Book Offs/Hard Offs. The smaller the town, the cheapest the price. You won't get the selection though but even Super Potato did not have a lot of stuff. If you want good quality stuff and properly graded, go to Mandarake although their prices are expensive.

Did not get this phone case because it was too small for my phone. I became crazy about hunting for bargains at Book Offs/Hard Offs during this trip. Retrogame hunting in Japan is very fun. I've stopped buying figures now because there's no space and after buying so many, its hard for something to catch my eye.


  1. Did you try the Legend of Heroes games? (e.g. Trails in the Sky / Trails of Cold Steel) You probably did and I somehow missed the post.

  2. @Sonna~: I have finished Zero and Ao no Kiseki which I enjoyed. I played until the end of the second Cold Steel game and quit because I could not stand how utterly generic the characters and dialogue was. I have not touched Trails in the Sky.
