Friday, November 21, 2014

Tokyo Ramen Street

Abe Hiroshi pimping ham at Tokyo station.

Just outside the Yaesu exit is the ramen street.

I love ramen too.

I went for tonkotsu ramen Oreshiki Jun despite the fact it didn't have a one hour queue. It was actually not bad. Not Ogi omfg I could die now but its close in taste. Recommended.

Opposite the Tokyo Ramen Street is the Character Street which includes shops like Shonen Jump. Ggrr, only the Akagi shirt has LL size left.


Gomenne Seishun komanjyuu.

Wtf. Tamagochi is still alive?

Hello. What is your name?

Jump Shop at Suidobashi.

Less Slam Dunk selection than the Tokyo shop.

As much as a like Pepper Lunch, 40% increase in price the last few years means I should look for an alternative.

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