Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gomen ne Seishun! Eps 1+2

Gomen ne Seishun is a very funny show about an old boys school and a catholic girls school that are reluctantly trying to merge. Kudo Kankuro, writer of Manhattan Love Story and Tiger and Dragon has once again written a show that's so funny, I didn't really care about that Nishikido fella.

Millions of Japanese men gasped in shock at this line while I did the dance of joy.

Actually I still get the feeling that if they wanted to cast a johnny, they should have went for Nino. Other than that, I have no complaints about Gomen ne Seishun. Well, except for casting actors that are a lot older than their role but Gomen ne Seishun is a comedy so it doesn't matter anyway.

Its your basic high school boys and girls don't get along awkward comedy but how good it is will depend on whether Kudo Kankuro can make Gomen ne Seishun more than just your typical teenage comedy. I am particularly intrigued by what he will do with the teacher's past though if Haru shows up, I'm going to have a hard time buying her as Mitsushima Hikari's older sister.

My favourite part of Gomen ne Seishun is finally watching Mitsushima Hikari in a non crying role as the uptight and fierce sister. The ceiling for this show is going to be below Suzuki sensei. Acting wise, its not as good but if the story and dialogue can be as provocative and smart, we might be looking at a must watch dorama. I'm not ready to give Gomen ne Seishun a must watch but its off to a great start!


  1. I'm glad they went with Ryo on this. Nino is forever teenage emo boy to me, and I think his acting skills are overrated. Plus he just annoys the crap out of me for some reason.

  2. Cyberwave4:58 am

    The first 2 episodes were funny, mostly because of the senior talents, especially Sakai Maki's "Don't Mind" sensei. Kazama Morio & Namase Katsuhisa also showed their comedy abilities as well. However, I found Mitsushima's acting being out of tune with Kudo Kankuro's comedy style. Her acting was way too stiff even as a serious character, that I couldn't figure it out when she's trying to be funny. Hope she would loosen up in later episodes.

  3. "Millions of Japanese men gasped in shock at this line while I did the dance of joy."

    That applies to you too buddy. lol...

  4. Jung, do you take such enjoyment in crushing other people's dreams?

  5. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Rootabega sez:
    I would give anything to know how to make an animated GIF out of the Tonkou principal's bungling of the sign of the cross in ep 1. That would be my avatar forever.
    I LOVE how much Mitsushima Hikari's character is kicking ass in this dorama. Highly entertaining.

  6. dgundam4:29 pm

    Liking the 1st 2 episodes as well. I dislike school dramas but love kudo kankuros dramas. So far been enjoying it. Also I'm finding mitsushima in here the prettiest she's ever been. Ryo on the other hand isn't too bad. I actually think he's a better fit than Nino would have been

  7. I found it as not as funny as I expected before. Yeah, I just have high expectation before I watch it and then I'm disappointed! And more disappointed because it's Kudokan's work. just 1-2 more episodes more and then if it's still not funny, I'll drop it!

  8. Casting Ryo is the worst and only awful thing that has happened to/in this drama. But I'll keep on watching cuz it looks pretty good so far.

    Pretty pop-culture-reference heavy in this one too, hope the subber covers as much as he/she can. And I wonder what's the deal with Morishita Aiko appearing in every Kudokan drama, lol.

    Eyecandy is strong in this one too, YET they ALL act better than Ryo. (No, I'm not kidding.)

  9. Shane6:31 am

    I really enjoyed the first two episodes! Mitsushima Hikari suits her role really well and yes she looks beautiful.

    I think people are being too harsh on the Johnny main character; he's not that bad at all. I look forward to seeing if this show can be better than Suzuki Sensei...
