Sunday, June 01, 2014

Japan days 21 and 22

Legend of Galactic Heroes!!!!!!! Only 8 volumes? I remember reading there were two manga adaptations, a shoujo still one and a regular one.

Naked Abe Hiroshi.

Loddoss! Ah, the memories.

Went to Wald 9 with the intention of killing time before dinner with X-Men but tickets were sold out.

Went to Shinjuku Piccadilly and it was full of people and only front row seats were available for 3pm Patlabor showing. They didn't have XL t-shirts at on sale at at the cinema and they needed to bw ordered from the website. Ggrrr.

I was wondering why everyone was sitting on the left side. I don't like the Hayabusa stick aa it feela too loose. Its sanwa all the way for me. Come on Capcom, patch the arcade version already. I'm sick of dealing with Dhalsim's two hit

Went back to sleep for two hours as it was friggin hot and came back to Shinjuku to catch up with a friend.

Assorted kushi katsu.

Can't remember the stick thing on the right but it was crap.

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