Saturday, May 17, 2014

Japan Day 7: Yokkaichi

As always stopping at Naoya for Yabaton. I think the portion for the teppan miso katsu has gotten smaller but the sample size is too small.

Train view on way to Yokkaichi.

I remember reading that most agriculture in Japan are small scale and you can see plenty of rice fielda along the train tracks.

View from outside hotel room.

Went out with bframe and two of his colleagues and a blast except the parts where my Japanese wasn't good enough to follow the conversation. I'm so far away from where I bframe's level.

Was surprised Yokkaichi had a kyabakura maid cafe and the uber hot Kobe girl is back at the gundam bar. She is absolutely smoking in that uniform.

Thanks to bframe and his colleagues for an unforgettable time. ☺

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