Sunday, May 25, 2014

Days 15 and 16 : Goodbye Kyushu

Ichiryu next to Nakasu. Double charsiumen. Yum.

I had looked up a reasonably priced bar before I came. Umfortunately it was no longer there and the blog was last updated early last year.

Eveything in Nakasu was Tokyo level expensive. Saw this girl with a sign saying 2000円 an hour. Asked if there was a tax? No. Service charge? 1500円 an hour. Karaoke charge?  2000円 per song.

I know Fukuola girls juat demolish Tokyo in terms of looks but that's the 3 times the price of Kumamoto which is only 40 minutes away.

8.45pm I took the shinkansen from Fukuoka to Kumamoto and arrived at 9.30. Took another half hour from Kumamoto station o town center.

Went to Tengaiten.

I consider it the best Kumamoto ramen for me.
After that it was drinking all the way to 5.15. Met this dude and Mai-chan at Juju last time and we met up again at Sweet.

Walking to Kumamoto station at 5.40. Took the first shinkansen back to Fukuoka and feel asleep smelling of alcohol and cigarretes.

Woke up at 11am and took the train to Hainuzuka to meet a friend.

Drove to Yanagawa for some udon.

Not bad but I'm still a ramen guy.

Later we had ice cream and then went to an onsen at Kurume.....

and then ramen with gyoza and beer at Kurume. Had a very fun time except the fighting over paying the bill. Best way to combat the Japanese insisting to pay for you is to grab the bill run to the cashier and if they insist just say they can pay the coins part. Great time and its fun to catch up with old friends.

Taking the shinkansen back to Fukuoka. I am going to miss Kyushu so much.

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