Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Consumption Tax increase

The one thing I was scared of, well not really scared but dreading was the consumption tax going up from 5% to 8% and I was told that its going to go up to 10% in 2 or 3 years.

Ramen with the lot/tokusei/zenburi is always 1000円. Breaching that number takes it from normal food to luxury food though to be fair, I usually add another 100円 for kaedama.

The good news is, special ramen prices haven't gone up at least two favourites, tonkatsu ramen ogi and fuunji. Cigarettes have gone up 20円 but I can still easily find vending machines selling 100円 drinks.

Maybe its just a matter of time or maybe the shops are willing to absorb the increase for customer loyalty.

Except for Pepper Lunch. The 300g steak with rice used to be 1000円 but its gone up to 1240円。That is a lot more than a 3% increase.

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